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Minutes 10-23-07
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Present:  Tom Moran, Vice Chairman; Kristen Picone-Barricelli, Sandra Power, Marcia Lambert, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Judith Wolfe, Shirley Walker and Roberta  Clemente

Tom brought the meeting together at 7:30 p.m.

Old Business:

1.   Tom summarized a memo from Ellen Talkowsky concerning the South Harbor Station traffic island at Columbus and Fort Avenue noting that the island is unfinished, weedy and that it is the sight of two overflowing City dumpsters.  Shirley has viewed the area and spoken with neighbors.  It is understood that the power plant has taken responsibility for the island.  Roberta is to check with Ellen and then contact the power station about the island’s current condition.  It is understood, further that the City will take care of the dumpsters.

2.  Kristen reported on the Christmas tree fund raising event.  The Chamber of Commerce is to include notice of the event on its next e-blast and will include a notice on its calendar of Christmas events.  Committee members have visited businesses, distributed brochures and made other contacts.  Kristen and Roberta named a number of businesses that have committed to participate.  Kristen will send “thank you” notes.  More businesses will be approached on Thursday and Friday of next week.  Kristen will volunteer to speak about the event as requested.  It was suggested that Santa appear at the award ceremony. One business gave the Committee two hundred ($200.00) dollars in lieu of sponsoring a tree.

The Committee agreed to sponsor a tree.  Various suggestions for a theme and appropriate ornaments were considered.  All Committee members are asked to provide Kristen with three theme/decoration ideas by October 30, 2007.   

3.  Shirley reported on the success of the cleanup of Artist Row.  The community editor for the Salem News is to include an article in an upcoming issue. She says the Artist Row community is appreciative, plants are being watered and all items are still in place,

4.  Roberta reported on the clean up of Lafayette Park.  She said the Home Depot volunteers were outstanding.  She noted with regret that the Committee’s contribution was not acknowledged in the news reports that followed.  She also explained that the benches singled out for removal must await City action that should occur after Halloween.

5.  Kristen reported on her positive experience as an October volunteer working for the Chamber of Commerce providing information to tourists. Shirley noted the quality of the actors working outside or inside Witch museum.

6.  Mary Ellen Halliwell reported the progress she has made with the MBTA.  Plans are on track to get the permit needed to work on the area in 2008.  She will create a project proposal that will define the scope of the work, list the names of volunteers etc.  She will distribute the draft requesting input from the committee.  The plan will be reviewed by the MBTA and should result in the required permit.  The City Solicitor has approved the permit language and acquisition of the required liability insurance.  

New Business

1.  Shirley described the services of the America in Bloom Corporation (not for profit) and recommended that the Committee look into it with Salem in mind.  The organization provides volunteers who visit a community to identify the strengths and weaknesses of its appearance and makes recommendations.  Tom is very familiar with the organization and its work and reported the positive results that occurred in the communities with which he is familiar. Tom will gather information from his contacts and will report to the Committee.  

2.  Tom called for the election of a new Committee chair.  Kristen was quickly nominated. She had reservations. Discussion followed.  It was decided that we need more information concerning any City rules governing committee elections etc.  Tom will investigate.  The nomination was withdrawn and the item was tabled until a future date.

3. It was decided that the next meeting date is Tuesday, November 20, 2007.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Wolfe for Robyn Brown, Secretary